What We Haven't Been Told About Vaccines

This is about the American vaccine schedule, and may not apply to some other countries. However, the American childhood vaccine schedule is similar to many western countries, and the producers for the American vaccines - Merck, Pfizer, GSK, and Sanofi Aventis - produce vaccines for countries all over the world, not just for America, and their clinical trials are done in multiple countries. More vaccines are given to children living in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world.

A growing problem

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 in 6 children have developmental disabilities. These include ADD, ADHD, autism, hearing loss, learning disabilities, mental disabilities, seizures, stammering, and stuttering, among others. The rate of childhood chronic illnesses has dramatically risen since 1989, from 11% to 54% (if we use a stricter definition, which is whether a child’s daily activities are limited, 1.8% of American children fell into this category in 1960, but by 2010, more than 8% of children did). This goes hand-in-hand with the increase in the number of childhood vaccines administered. Many things have changed since then, so this is obviously not proof that vaccines are responsible for the increase in chronic illness. However, given that a strong correlation between an increase in the number of vaccines administered to children and an increase in the percentage of children with chronic illness exists, we can and should examine whether vaccines have anything to do with the increase in these illnesses.

One of the main reasons the number of vaccines given has been rising since the late 1980s is because of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act signed into law by then president Ronald Reagan. This law gave vaccine makers complete immunity from liability - they are not able to be sued for any injuries their vaccines cause. The only way they can be sued is if they engage in fraudulent or intentional withholding of information - so they are disincentivized to know as little as possible about their own product when it comes to being aware of what negative consequences it may have, in order to avoid deliberately withholding information. A Vaccine Court was set up to pay out the vaccine-injured, but the payouts are paid for with taxpayer money. The vaccine producers do not lose money when their product causes unexpected harm.

How do they keep track of vaccine injuries?

There are three systems for monitoring vaccine safety post-licensure: VAERS, VSD and PRISM. VSD is a database that only those within the CDC have access to - it is not public. VAERS, the other system, is a passive reporting system. Health and Human Services (HHS) has paid Harvard Medical School one million dollars to create an automated system for collecting vaccine adverse events. When Harvard came back with the result that “fewer than 1% of adverse events are reported,” the CDC stopped responding to them. Since the project had already been financed, one can only assume that the CDC did not want an automated system because of the data it would show. Another document, a report by the then Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner David Kessler, showed similar results, meaning that we can be relatively sure that vaccine injuries are vastly underreported.

Proper safety testing?

The current vaccines in use today have not been safety tested against an inert placebo, except for one. Below (in the reference section) is a list of vaccine package inserts for the childhood schedule, so that you can see for yourself. Some have no control group at all, while the control group in others generally includes another vaccine instead of an inert placebo. The NIH itself states that the “‘gold standard’ for testing interventions in people is the ‘randomized, placebo-controlled’ clinical trial” - a placebo being an inactive substance that looks like the treatment being tested. Sometimes, clinical trials for medical products do use another product as a control group, if that other product has been proven safe and effective for the same purpose - this is called an active control. However, in the clinical trials for these vaccines that had active controls, the “active controls” were other vaccines that were themselves not properly evaluated for safety.

Furthermore, the safety review periods for the vaccines were worryingly short, as can be seen on the package inserts, and therefore the trials were clearly not powered to detect long-term adverse events. The inserts list the serious adverse events reported by doctors and consumers after the vaccine has been licensed and they have to, by law, include “only those adverse events for which there is some basis to believe there is a causal relationship between the drug and the occurrence of the adverse event.” Therefore, we cannot say with certainty that these vaccines are safe when they get approved. This is problematic, since injecting any kind of product into someone’s body without a proper awareness of what can happen to the recipient boils down to an experiment. This goes against the currently accepted view of vaccines, which is that they are extremely safe.

Compare vaccinated to unvaccinated

Another issue is that a large study of the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children has not been done. In a Freedom of Information Act request, the CDC responded that it has no such document. However, such studies have been done. Two observational studies have been done (each with a different design) in the U.S. that showed that completely unvaccinated children were significantly healthier than vaccinated children when it comes to chronic disease. Unvaccinated children had lower rates of chronic illnesses:

Another study done in Guinea-Bissau compared children vaccinated with the DTP vaccine to unvaccinated children and showed that vaccinated children had higher mortality. While these studies have their limitations, they raise important questions and open up conversations most people would not expect. We have been relentlessly and repeatedly told that ALL vaccines are safe and effective, so even seeing one study like this should raise serious concerns. These studies show us that our preconceived notions about vaccine safety may not be correct, and that we need to follow these studies up with larger studies to see if we arrive at similar results.

HHS is aware of the fact that no large studies of the health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children have been done. As a matter of fact, they paid scientists to write out how such a study could be done. To date, the study has not been done - or rather, has not been published. One would think that this would be the best proof for the safety of vaccines that we would have, so the fact that such a study has not been done is baffling in-and-of-itself, given they have access to the data (from the VSD) to be able to carry it out.

A healthier world - but not because of vaccines

Another point worth bringing up is that the mortality of diseases for which we now have vaccines was plummeting before vaccines for those diseases were created. For some diseases (like tuberculosis, scarlet fever, and typhoid), no vaccine exists, yet both the incidence of the diseases and the number of people dying from them have become nonexistent. Two epidemiologists (husband and wife) published a study in 1977 that showed data that proved “that the introduction of specific medical measures and/or the expansion of medical services are generally not responsible for most of the modern decline in mortality.” According to the data they showed, 92.3% of the decline in mortality rate happened between 1900 and 1950; this was before most vaccines existed. Epidemiologists from Johns Hopkins and the CDC reaffirmed this in 2000, saying that “vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century” and that “nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before 1940, when few antibiotics or vaccines were available.”

Corruption and crime

The regulatory agencies charged with regulating vaccine manufacturers have been corrupted. Scientists and groups that staunchly promote and defend vaccines have strong financial ties to the industry. The U.S. government compiled a report on two influential advisory committees utilized by regulators to provide expert advice on vaccine policy and found that many of the members had financial conflicts of interest.

Scientists at the NIH that worked on a vaccine are allowed to collect $150,000 in royalties a year on sales that vaccine makes. The CDC had a $4.4 million budget in 2019 for distributing vaccines. The agency also owns many vaccine patents so it can make money on vaccine sales. The institution that promotes and recommends vaccines is also the institution that evaluates their safety at the same time.

In addition to the law that vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued, pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines also do not have to cover any marketing or advertising costs for childhood vaccines, since the vaccines are mandatory for children. This gives companies a huge profit incentive to push out as many vaccines as they can, and this is made easier by the fact that they do not have to carry out safety studies with an inert placebo control.

Criminal history

All of the corporations making vaccines are immoral companies. All four of them are convicted serial felons, having paid out billions of dollars in fines and damages for falsifying science, defrauding regulators, lying to doctors and killing people knowingly. Taking into account their criminal history, assuming that they are only moral when it comes to vaccines is foolish. Would they not lie, cheat and take shortcuts in producing vaccines if they could get away with it? And given the conflicts of interest within the regulatory agencies, they can.

Do the doctors know?

The physicians giving out vaccines do not know much about them. During the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit in Geneva in 2019, Profesor Heidi Larson stated that medical students get about a half-day education on vaccines. Given that vaccines are heralded as one of mankind’s best medical inventions, the fact that doctors and nurses do not get thoroughly educated on them is very surprising. Most doctors do not know the ingredients in vaccines. The case seems to be that they are taught to administer vaccines and to accept, at face value, that vaccines are safe and effective and that all children should be given all vaccines. To add to the point, research has revealed that clinicians frequently overestimate benefits and underestimate harms of medical treatments.

You are part of the plan

Another point we should all be aware of is that there are and have been plans in effect for mandatory adult vaccinations. The WHO Global Vaccine Action Plan aims to “track each individual’s immunization status, leveraging immunization registries, electronic databases and national identification number systems.” The European Union has a roadmap for preventing vaccine-preventable diseases, and the plan is to have a European Commission proposal for a common vaccination card / passport for EU citizens by 2022. In the United States, HHS has a roadmap for 2010-2020 in which it states that the vision for adult immunization is to vaccinate all adults. Wherever you are, the vaccine program is coming for YOU!


Taking all of this into account, we definitely need to take a closer look at vaccines. Upon examination, the idea that all vaccines are safe and that science fully supports this notion and is settled on this topic does not hold up. Questioning vaccines is almost considered heresy, yet what we need to do is let go of our dogmatic beliefs and preconceived notions that we may have on this topic, admit that there is much that we do not know that we think we know, and do our best to gather the best information we currently have, wherever it leads us.

For reference below
Vaccine package inserts and their clinical trials
Day one to 6 months of life
  • DTaP
    • Infanrix (GSK)
      • Control group: DTP
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 8 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 28 days
    • Daptacel (Sanofi)
      • Control group: DT or DTP
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 14 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 6 months
  • Hib
    • ActHIB (Sanofi)
      • Control group: Hepatitis B vaccine
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 3 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 30 days
    • Hiberix (GSK)
      • Control group: ActHIB
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 4 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 31 days
    • PedvaxHIB (Merck)
      • Control group: Lyophilized PedvaxHIB
        • In Lyophilized PedvaxHIB's pre-licensure trials, the test group received Lyophilized PedvaxHIB, OPV and DTP and the control group received a placebo, OPV and DTP. Concomitantly i∂njecting OPV and DTP negates the benefit of having a placebo as it prevents assessing the actual safety profile between Lyophilized PedvaxHIB and a placebo.
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 3 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 3 days
  • Hepatitis B
    • Engerix-B (GSK)
      • No control group
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 4 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 4 days
    • Recombivax HB (Merck)
      • No control group
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 5 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 5 days
  • Pneumococcal
  • Polio
    • Ipol (Sanofi)
      • No control group
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 3 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 3 days
  • Combination
    • Pediarix (GSK)
      • Control group: ActHIB, Engerix-B, Infanrix, IPV and OPV
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 8 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 30 days + phone call at 6 months
    • Pentacel (Sanofi)
      • Control group: HCPDT, PoliVac, ActHIB, Daptacel and IPOL
      • Safety review period
        • Solicited reactions: 7 days
        • Unsolicited reactions: 60 days + phone call at 6 months
6 to 18 months of life
18 months to 18 years of life
CDC Patent list


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